Watro’s Bill Would Give Tax Break to National Guard Members

April 10, 2024

HARRISBURG – Rep. Dane Watro (R-Luzerne/Schuylkill) plans to soon introduce legislation in the House of Representatives that would exempt income derived from an individual’s service in the Pennsylvania National Guard from the Commonwealth’s Personal Income Tax (PIT).

“It is the service and sacrifice of the brave individuals in our armed forces that ensure our country and communities stay safe and prosperous,” said Watro, who is a U.S. Army veteran. “In honor of those sacrifices, it is my hope that we may reward these heroes for their bravery and valor and exempt them from the PIT.”

Watro also noted the exemption would help in the Guard’s recruitment efforts at a time when all branches of the military are struggling to attract and retain new enlistees. The PIT rate currently stands at 3.07%.

Watro is seeking co-sponsors for his proposal.

Representative Dane Watro
116th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Andy Briggs
RepWatro.com / Facebook.com/RepWatro

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